09/03/25 17:27 When can it be time for distractions? 09/03/25 02:34 It's been like 2 months already! wow 09/03/25 02:28 Come to think of it, there very well could be limescale on the inside of my body. Maybe that's why I feel so bad all the time. 08/03/25 23:16 Hey, someone likes you They're into your illusion Hey, someone like you Is into the games you're playing Hey, I would like to Surrender to the illusion. I am the only one searching for you And if I get caught Then the search is through. 08/03/25 23:14 The why isn't always on earth though. 25/02/25 13:05 Everything that's going on right now is quite funny actually. I bet Peeps is laughing his ass off at me rn 25/02/25 12:57 There's an art to the smirk that few can master 24/02/25 20:52 "Architecture students are like virgins with an itch they cannot scratch. Never build a building 'till you're 50 - what kind of life is that?" 24/02/25 10:13 It's a miracle there's no limescale on the inside of our bodies. 19/02/25 18:44 Indirect dialogue is no longer allowed as it impedes reader experience. 19/02/25 02:16 Let's not forget it was also a big day for flowers. Also don't call me that. 19/02/25 01:58 what a fucking shame man 19/02/25 01:46 reflections on valentine's day 2025: Pooks took me to waitrose, then sang at me. Then we had dinner: two packs of Marlboros and a tub of Alpro yoghurt. 19/02/25 01:42 i renounce all my relation to 5 minutes ago. That time sucked ass 19/02/25 01:42 it also can't be found at only one time 19/02/25 01:39 See. Now I've made you google 'Larry David young'. 19/02/25 01:38 Love can't be found in only one place 19/02/25 01:37 Just discovered that Larry David was handsome when he was young 19/02/25 01:35 Love is historical but only through my sunglasses 19/02/25 01:33 I'm designing a long corridor for all the inside jokes to slowly make their way out. 19/02/25 01:19 Who ever said receipts have to be funny? Or whitty? Here's a serious receipt instead. I turned my phone off for the entire second half of my day yesterday and it was great, so tomorrow I'm gonna do the same thing. Now that I've said my bit it's time for something funny. Mate, there is no way we're doing that. We're not fourteen. WE'RE THIRTEEN 18/02/25 22:38 is it time for distractions yet? 15/02/25 15:16 Bare wonder that happened 14/02/25 19:21 'Tis a big day for flowers. 11/02/25 16:09 More time please 11/02/25 16:08 blood, skin und muscle ja 10/02/25 22:14 If shoe shining is lame then how do you explain the rush of excitement when I see a shiny red shoe? 10/02/25 16:33 MAYBE I WONT BLUD! YEAH USUALLY BUT MAN HAS CONCEPT FOR DIS BUT MAN LIKES SENTENCE BUT MAN MIGHT SACRIFICE SENTENCE FOR SAKE OF CONCEPT MAN MIGHT MAKE SENTENCE FUCK ICBA TO TALK TO YOU ANYMORE PLEASE FUCK OFF 10/02/25 15:33 Lord when my corn snake arrives 06/02/25 15:19 Department is the Pond 06/02/25 15:18 You should see it when it's busy 04/02/25 03:47 time to KEEP GOING 04/02/25 03:47 What a great idea all of this was 04/02/25 03:21 The last guy who was on this page made a massive mess and left it all to me to clean up 04/02/25 02:25 things are about to happen 31/01/25 14:21 give yourself some flack bro 29/01/25 03:24 it is actually the hurricane on the other side of the world that causes the butterfly's wings to flap. 29/01/25 03:16 everywhere I go is just more stairs 29/01/25 03:09 Einstein's paradox of relative simultaneity implies that there could exist a game of rock paper scissors that is both won and lost by both participants. If this doesn't give you hope then i dont know what will 29/01/25 02:55 it would be funny if woodchucks could chuck wood, but the amount they chuck is only ever zero wood. 29/01/25 02:47 suicide notes seem to take on average about 73 years to write. 27/01/25 21:14 If advertising actually worked everyone would voluntarily watch advertisements for "unremarkable life that keeps going in and out of shambles". 27/01/25 19:34 Couldn't think of anything to say today actually 26/01/25 16:16 whats the best language someone let me know 26/01/25 14:23 Adrien Brody is unwatchable 25/01/25 17:13 I would like to be an architect for the negative space inbetween buildings. 23/01/25 15:28 I suspect Leonard Cohen might be G.o.d 23/01/25 14:43 Reading Nabokov's 'Glory' and I like it even though I'd hate to write like he does 22/01/25 03:13 rearranging my organs in premiere pro. 22/01/25 20:46 i hate advisors who solicit people 22/01/25 20:46 I hate people who give unsolicited advice 22/01/25 20:40 the end is near and the crows are circling. peeps is waking up and he goes to get a glass of water and takes his tablets 22/01/25 15:49 bumbacoffee 22/01/25 14:38 where did i last put that sneeze 21/01/25 11:43 puzzles should be done without knowing what the image is. then there are 2 elements of surprise. 1) discovering what the image is 2) thinking why on earth you are doing a puzzle. 21/01/25 07:32 why mustn't the bed ever get out of me? 21/01/25 07:28 I would like a thought to come 20/01/25 19:22 I fucking despise you. you know what you did 20/01/25 19:21 I hate you though. Yeah you. 20/01/25 19:00 I love you all 20/01/25 18:45 shoulda woulda coulda doulda 20/01/25 16:43 hjgjhvjhvjhvjhv 20/01/25 16:39 hi 20/01/25 16:34 I love format 20/01/25 16:28 Fuck fuck fuck fuck 4 times